Beauty and Truth
Stephen Bungay
Not Available
The Thought and Art of Joseph Joubert (1754-1824)
David P Lecturer in French and 2 more
Word as Action
Michael Fellow and Tutor in French and 3 more
Playing with Truth
Nicholas Lecturer in French and 2 more
Goethe's Naturalistic Anthropology
Matthew Lecturer in German and 3 more
Nietzsche and Schiller: Untimely Aesthetics
Nicholas Lecturer in Modern Languages and 3 more
Literary Imitation in the Italian Renaissance
Martin L University Lecturer in Italian and 5 more
Dafydd ap Gwilym
Huw M Lecturer in Welsh and 3 more
Winckelmann and the Notion of Aesthetic Education
Jeffrey Lecturer in German and 3 more
Building the Text
David Lecturer in French and 2 more
Soviet Yiddish
Gennady Editor of Yiddish Publications and 2 more
Narrative and Fantasy in the Post-War German Novel
Chloe E M Lecturer in German and 2 more
The Origins of Modern Literary Yiddish
DovBer Sir Leslie and Lady Porter Fellow in Yiddish Studies and 2 more
Reading Nathalie Sarraute
Emer Lecturer in French and 2 more
The Rhetorical Feminine
Sarah Lecturer in German and 2 more
Science and Structure in Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu
Nicola Research Fellow and 4 more
Technique and Technology
Adrian Lecturer in French and 2 more
The Master and the Slave
Galin Junior Research Fellow in Russian and German Intellectual History and 1 more
The Poetry of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and French Symbolism
Robert Professor of German and 1 more
Proust's Gods
Margaret Lecturer in French and 2 more
Literary and Linguistic Theories in Eighteenth-Century France
Edward and 3 more
Duras, Writing, and the Ethical
Martin University Lecturer in French and 5 more
The Presentation of Authorship in Medieval German Literature 1220-1290
Sebastian Coxon
In Stock
£175.50 £195.00
The Tale of Bluebeard in German Literature
Mererid Puw Lecturer in German and 2 more
Postcolonial Paradoxes in French Caribbean Writing
Jeannie and 3 more
The Child's View of the Third Reich in German Literature
Debbie and 3 more
Nietzsche and Proust
Duncan and 2 more
The Expression of the Inexpressible in Eugenio Montale's Poetry
Clodagh J and 2 more
The Mind-Body Problem in German Literature 1770-1830
Catherine J and 3 more
Nuns as Historians in Early Modern Germany
Charlotte Fellow and College Lecturer and 3 more
Women's Writing and Historiography in the GDR
Helen and 2 more
The Wasting Heroine in German Fiction by Women 1770-1914
Anna and 2 more
Body and Narrative in Contemporary Literatures in German
Lyn Manchester University Marven
Henri Michaux
Margaret College Lecturer in French and 2 more
Antonin Artaud's Writing Bodies
Adrian and 3 more
Tristan Corbière and the Poetics of Irony
Katherine Fellow and Tutor in French and 3 more
Brecht and Political Theatre
Laura Lecturer in German and 1 more
Debate and Dialogue
Emma Lecturer in French at the University of Exeter Cayley
Women and Literature in the Goethe Era 1770-1820
Helen Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer in Geman and 2 more
Simone Weil's Apologetic Use of Literature
Marie Cabaud Arthur Ennis Teaching Fellow at Villanova University and 1 more
Gender, Writing, and Performance
Helen J University CUF Lecturer in Medieval French at the University of Oxford and 1 more
Poetry and Parental Bereavement in Early Modern Lutheran Germany
Anna Department of German and 1 more
Constructing Authorship in the Work of Günter Grass
Rebecca University of Liverpool Braun
Reading in Proust's A la recherche
Adam Lecturer in French and 2 more
Fin de millénaire French Fiction
Ruth Senior Lecturer in French and 2 more
Hermynia Zur Mühlen
Ailsa Wallace
Marquard von Lindau and the Challenges of Religious Life in Late Medieval Germany
Stephen Junior Research Fellow in History and 2 more
Voices from the Asylum
Susannah and 2 more
On a Knife-Edge
Sara Lecturer in Portuguese and 1 more
Ghost Stories in Late Renaissance France
Timothy Lecturer in French and 2 more
Exotic Spaces in German Modernism
Jennifer Anna Professor of Philosophy and 1 more
Landscapes of Desire in the Poetry of Vittorio Sereni
Francesca Assistant Professor of Italian Studies and 1 more
Javier Marías's Debt to Translation
Gareth J Lecturer in Post1800 Spanish Peninsular Literature and 1 more
Travelling in Different Skins
Dúnlaith and 2 more
The Kaiserchronik
Alastair Matthews
Loss and the Other in the Visionary Work of Anna Maria Ortese
Vilma Senior Language Instructor and 2 more
Encrypting the Past
Kirstin Lecturer in German and 3 more
A Tale Blazed Through Heaven
Oliver J University Lecturer in Golden Age Spanish Literature Fellow and Tutor in Modern Languages and 1 more
The Drowned Muse
AnneGaëlle Assistant Professor in French Studies and 2 more
Vision in the Novels of George Sand
Manon Lecturer in French and 2 more
Dante's Lyric Redemption
Tristan Lecturer in Italian Studies and 2 more
Discourses of Mourning in Dante, Petrarch, and Proust
Jennifer St Johns College and 1 more
Borges and Kafka
Sarah McMaster University Roger
Goldoni in Paris
Jessica St Catherines College and 1 more
The Lives of Ovid in Seventeenth-Century French Culture
Helena University of Exeter Taylor
The Roman de la rose in its Philosophical Context
Jonathan Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in French and 1 more
Diaries Real and Fictional in Twentieth-Century French Writing
Sam Junior Research Fellow and 2 more
The autos sacramentales of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Alice Lecturer in Spanish and 2 more
Pop-Feminist Narratives
Emily Lecturer in Creative Futures and 2 more
Staging the Spanish Golden Age
Kathleen Assistant Professor and 2 more
Spatiality and Subjecthood in Mallarmé, Apollinaire, Maeterlinck, and Jarry
Leo Freelance translator Shtutin
Shipwreck in French Renaissance Writing
Jennifer H St Johns College and 1 more
Yves Bonnefoy and Jean-Luc Nancy
Emily Associate Professor of French and Tutorial Fellow of Wadham College and 1 more
Turkisms in South Slavonic Literature
Florence Lydia Independent researcher Graham
Poetry in Dialogue in the Duecento and Dante
David Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow and 1 more
Conspiracy Literature in Early Renaissance Italy
Marta Leverhulme Research Fellow and 2 more
Derrida and the Legacy of Psychoanalysis
Paul Lecturer in French and 1 more
Dante's Masterplot and Alternative Narratives in the Commedia
Nicolò Research and Teaching Fellow in Italian and Director of Modern Languages and 2 more
Mann's Magic Mountain
Karolina PostDoctoral Research Fellow in Modern Languages and 2 more
Moderation and the Mean in the Literature of Spain's Golden Age
Richard Rabone
Dissident Authorship in Mozambique
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow Tom Exeter University Stennett
Anticolonial Form
Alexandra Lecturer in Comparative Literatures and Cultures and 2 more
Complicity in Fin-De-Siècle Literature
Helen Craske
Relational Responses to Trauma in Twenty-First-Century French and Spanish Women's Writing
Hannie Lawlor
Memories of Colonisation in Medieval and Modern Castile
Rebecca De Souza
The Doctor-Patient Relationship and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel
Sarah Jones